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ps5 controller input lag

Asked by TechGuru97 on December 10, 2023

Has anyone else experienced input lag with their PS5 controllers? I've tried different games and setups, but the issue persists.

7 Replies

I had the same issue and realized it was my TV settings. Make sure your TV is in 'Game Mode' to reduce lag.
Thanks for the tip! I'll check my TV settings.
Are you using a wireless connection? Sometimes Bluetooth interference can cause lag. Try using a wired connection to see if it improves.
It might be worth checking for firmware updates for your controller or console. Outdated firmware can sometimes cause unexpected issues.
Good point, I haven't checked for updates in a while. I'll do that right away.
Sometimes it's the game itself. Have you tried different games to see if the lag persists across all of them?
I had a similar issue and it turned out to be a problem with my console. A factory reset fixed it, but make sure to back up your data first!

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